All Flutes Plus specialist music shop selling flutes

We discuss All Flutes Plus strategy for success with Manager Director Nigel James

All Flutes Plus is a specialist music shop selling everything to do with buying and playing the flute. The shop has been established for over 30 years. They serve beginners through to professional flautists and have offered Take it away interest-free finance since the scheme started.

Nigel believes the shops continued success is due to their customer service and complete specialisation in one instrument. Their staff are either accomplished musicians or technicians and therefore have the knowledge to advise. They stock a huge range of flutes from beginners’ instruments to custom-made silver or gold flutes for professional players.

Staff maintain a long relationship with customers over their musical career. Customers often start as music students and go on to be professional musicians or teachers.

Nigel recalls one 13-year-old boy studying at Chetham’s School of Music. “He had ADD and had only been playing for a year. He bought a new flute from us, progressed brilliantly, and a couple of years later was at the Royal Academy of Music. Now he plays in a top London orchestra. A late starter, but a phenomenal talent and a highly rated young professional flautist”.

“Take it away has been great for young music students starting and progressing up the ladder. A finance facility is a big help for parents who want to buy a better quality instrument.

At All Flutes Plus, parents looking to buy instruments often already know about the Take it away scheme. The scheme helps parents buy a better quality instrument. Nigel advises parents to buy the best model flute that they can comfortably afford, rather than a cheap instrument from the internet. He says, “a better quality instrument can make a real difference to a students’ playing ability and confidence. They will tend to see a greater improvement in learning on a better quality flute so it’s worth the extra investment”.

For more information about All Flutes Plus, please visit their website.