Image: Mateusz Dach from Pexels

We’ve developed an accessibility guide for Take it away retailers which is designed to give you the confidence to make your shop, website, and promotional activity accessible and inclusive for all.
In this extract, we talk about why you should consider writing an Accessibility Statement for your website.

Research shows that 95% of disabled people search for information about accessibility online before visiting a venue for the first time.

For this reason, we ask all Take it away retailers to include key information about accessibility on their website. This can be in the form of a short statement outlining if your shop is accessible for people with limited mobility and highlighting any barriers customers may face when visiting.
Being transparent about accessibility in your shop makes it easier for people to plan and make an informed decision about their visit.


In your Accessibility Statement, you could include information such as:

  • How visitors can reach your premises, (e.g public transport routes or walking distances)
  • If accessible car parking is available
  • If your shop has step-free access or is wheelchair accessible
  • If you sell special products or adaptive music instruments that are sold as being accessible
  • If you adapt standard instruments to make them accessible where necessary
  • If you have hearing loops / audio induction loops
  • If you have accessible facilities, such as toilets or adult changing facilities
  • If service animals are welcome (and water bowls are available)
  • Contact details of how people can get in touch if they have any questions

The statistics below show why it is worth integrating accessibility into your business activity. It can help you to attract new customers, secure customer loyalty, and ensure you are reaching the widest possible audience.


Percentage of the UK population who identify as disabled (13.9 million people)


Percentage of disabled people who search a venue’s accessibility info online before visiting


Money lost every month by inaccessible high street shops

Read more extracts from the Accessibility Guide

Making Your Shop More Accessible

There are a few ways that you can make a customer’s visit to your shop a comfortable and enjoyable experience. We explore what it takes to make a retail premises more accessible for your customers.Read more

Accessible Marketing Communications

How you market and communicate your shop can help improve its overall accessibility. From getting involved in campaigns like Purple Tuesday or producing information in alternative formats, there are many ways you can help create a more inclusive shopping experience for all your customers. Read more

Making Events More Accessible

Workshops and events, such as involvement in Learn to Play Day, are a great way of attracting new potential customers. Make sure you are attracting as wide an audience as possible. Read more

Download the Accessibility Guide

Accessibility guide front page

Accessibility Guide for Take it away retailers
(pdf download)