Accessibility Guide

We’ve developed an accessibility guide for Take it away retailers which is designed to give you the confidence to make your shop, website, and promotional activity accessible and inclusive for all.



Accessibility guide front page
Download the Accessibility Guide (pdf download)

Marketing Guides

We’ve put together these handy guides to offer an introduction to various aspects of marketing for your business.

Social Media Marketing

Social media – can’t live with it, can’t live without it! That being said, your social media channels are one of the best marketing tools you have. 67% of the UK population are active social media users so there is huge potential to reach new and returning customers through channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We’ve put together some guidelines and tips on how to maximize your presence on these three channels.

Google listing

When marketing budgets are small or non-existent, getting the basics right is imperative. Google is the first place most of your customers will discover you. This guide outlines how to ensure you’re getting the most out of your free Google listing.

Google listing  (pdf download)

Basics of Twitter

As a communication platform, Twitter could be an effective marketing tool for sharing your knowledge and passion for music, musicians and your local community and help your business. If customers and staff are using Twitter, and you’re not – perhaps it’s time to join that conversation. If you’re already using Twitter, we hope the following tips will increase your effectiveness.

Twitter front page

Twitter basics (pdf download)