Why we're excited to visit music shops again in person 🎉

As we all know, many small businesses and high street shops were knocked sideways when lockdown hit the UK, but a year later things are starting to look up…

Music shops have always been ‘essential shops’ in our eyes so we were super excited when our Take it away music shop members were once more allowed to throw open their doors ready to welcome back customers! 

Many music shops have adapted to the times to ensure that lots of their stock is available to buy online, and for some customers this may still be the safest option. If you feel comfortable doing so, supporting your local music shop in person is incredibly important and here’s why we recommend popping in to see them:

In need of a new instrument or upgrade?

Nothing can compare to the joy of trying out different instruments and seeing how they feel beneath your fingertips. Some even say that it’s the instrument that chooses the musician… (Harry Potter fans, we see you.)

Music shop staff have unrivalled knowledge so stop by and ask for their advice however little or big a question you may have. Our Take it away retailers are lovely and are always ready to help – we know that they’ve missed having a chat with customers and musicians alike! 

17 String instruments displayed on wall

Image curtesy of Alan Gregory Music

Looking to refresh your repertoire? 

Browsing for new sheet music in person and having a peek inside to see what the print is like beats searching online where more often or not you can only see the cover. In store, you’ll often be able to see what’s popular to learn for your level and ask for recommendations too! Also the smell of new books is oddly appealing. (This felt strange to write down but you know what we mean!)

Photo of sheet music on shelves

Image curtesy of Just Flutes

Start browsing 

Two shop staff with covid safe face masks

We’ve got a brand new search page to make finding the best Take it away music shop member for you super easy! 

All of our shop members have the appropriate COVID safety measures in place and some have timed booking slots to visit showrooms or try out new instruments, so make sure to have a quick check online before you head over. 

Either search by location on the map with your postcode/town, or filter by instrument and shop name.

Image curtesy of Bridgewood & Neitzert 

Tell us what you think @takeitawaymusic