• Disability Awareness Training for Music Retailers

    Shopping Without Barriers –Disability Awareness Training for Music Retailers

    Did you know that £267 million is lost every month by inaccessible high street shops?  Music shops that get this right can attract new customers and maintain customer loyalty.

    Disability Awareness Training, developed by the MIA, Creative United, and Attitude is Everything focuses on the particular needs of disabled customers that visit music shops and websites.

    The course will provide effective techniques that will help you to:

    • Understand the challenges that disabled people face while shopping
    • Adapt your sales techniques to meet the needs of disabled people
    • Increase loyalty and repeat business – if disabled people feel comfortable in your shop, they are much more likely to come back
    What you’ll learn

    Led by disability expert Gideon Feldman (Attitude is Everything) the training consists of two modules:

    Module 1‘s informative videos available to view on demand and include a thorough background to the issues faced by disabled people in the UK, looking at the Equality Act, the social model of disability and why it matters.

    Module 2 is a live session over Zoom, and is all about creating a welcoming and accessible retail environment for disabled customers.  You’ll learn about how to identify and address the needs of a disabled customer, best practice communication styles and work through case studies featuring real access-related scenarios.

    How to sign up

    1. Register for Module 2 (live session) on Eventbrite
    2. You will be sent a link to an online platform where you can register, make payment (if applicable) and complete Module 1 in advance of the live session
    3. Attend Module 2 on your chosen date

    Module 2 live session dates

    Please click on the date of your choice to book

    1. Thursday 21st October – 10:30 AM 
    2. Tuesday 26th October – 10:30 AM

    Here’s a view from a customer perspective…

    I like to have the latest equipment, so that means I’m always shopping. As a visually impaired person it can be a bit challenging when I visit music stores…although the sales staff are quite knowledgeable, they may not have much experience in dealing with someone like me.

    Jason Dasent, audio engineer and music producer, talks about why the training is a good opportunity to serve and retain customers like him:


    Tell us what you think @takeitawaymusic

  • Learn To Play 2021


    After delays and cancellations due to the dreaded C, we’re very excited that Learn To Play is back this year 🎉

    During Learn to Play 2019, over 10,000 participants received a free taster music lesson together with information on buying an instrument and finding local teachers, groups and other fellow musicians!

    Not sure what to expect? Here’s a little round-up of what it is and how to get involved…

    music for all logo making music changes livesWhat is Learn To Play?

    Organised by Music For All, Learn to Play is a national group of events where venues across the UK such as music shops, performance spaces, libraries and educational centres offer free taster music lessons.

    When is it?

    Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th September 2021.

    Who can get involved?

    Whether you’re a budding or lapsed music maker you can start your musical journey by attending a Learn to Play ’21 event! Learn To Play events are open to anyone and everyone who wants to take part.

    What does it cost?

    It’s free and open to the public.

    venues nationwide Where does it take place?

    There are events happening in venues up and down the country. Look for an event to join near you here: musicforall.org.uk/learn-to-play

    This year, there will also be an online programme so if there isn’t a venue close by you can still join in!

    How can I get involved?

    Either pop to your local venue and take part (some will be asking you to book a space in advance so do check ahead) or join in online. 

    All necessary Covid safeguards will of course be in place.

    If you’re representing a venue, you can set up your own event and list it here: musicforall.submittable.com

    🎹 Vale Pianos 🎹

    Our very own Take it away music shop member Vale Pianos are taking part in Learn to Play on Saturday 25th September!

    They are offering free lessons in their wonderful shop in Worcestershire.

    Have you always dreamt of playing the piano or keep promising yourself that one day you’ll go back and continue where you left off? Then make it happen this the year! Playing the piano is a wonderful hobby no matter what age you are.


    This is a great opportunity to have an informal, sample lesson for you or your child, the lessons are provided by Richard who has a relaxed approach to teaching.

    Piano lessons will be taking place between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm.

    To book your lesson, please phone Vale Pianos on 01386 860419 or email info@valepianos.co.uk

    Whether you’re making a return to music or trying instruments for the first time, we’d love to hear how you get on!

    Tag us on the day and show us how you’re celebrating:

    Tell us what you think @takeitawaymusic

  • Learn to Play Day

    Learn to Play Day – Get involved!

    Find out below about how you, as a retailer, can host a Learn to Play Day and directly support Music For All’s work.

    By Alice Monk, Music For All

    The ninth annual Learn to Play Day weekend which was due to take place in March 2020 has been postponed.

    Learn to Play Day weekend will once again offer the general public the chance to have a free ‘taster’ lesson on a range of musical instruments. It also gives your business a unique opportunity to reach new customers

    In 2019, over 100 venues all around the country put on events. We had music shops, orchestras, Churches, rehearsal rooms, community music projects, music services and more… All are very welcome!

    The basic premise of Learn to Play Day is to offer free, short taster lessons to inspire new and lapsed musicians and welcome them to our wonderful world of music making. You can be as creative as you like with how you do this.

    This is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness and visibility of your shop, or organisation within your local community. You will be amazed at how many people don’t know you’re there!

    Never underestimate a parent’s desire for their child to learn or play music, especially if their school does not have a strong music offering. Equally, there are millions of adults out there that used to play and want to start again. But many people are intimidated by music shops (honestly!). Therefore, the knowledge that you are offering free educational, enjoyable activities on Learn to Play Day breaks down the hurdle of ‘getting them in the door’ and is a great opportunity to bypass the far bigger issue – the ‘fear’ of music shops – than you might imagine.

    There are already 75 venues confirmed for Learn to Play Day 2020, why not join them?

    If you’d like to see some previous success stories, check these out:

    There are many ways that Music for All can help you to make your event a success, all you have to do is ask. They’ll send you a pack of posters and flyers that you can put up in your local area to advertise your Learn to Play Day event, as well as balloons and other materials to use on the day.

    Your event will be displayed on the official Learn to Play Day map on the website which will be linked to in all press and PR, and public social media pages will be used to promote and share your posts.

    What are you waiting for? Register your interest here!

    For more info, please get in touch:

    Tell us what you think @Takeitawaymusic