Yorkshire and the Humber Music Shops & Music Hubs

Gough and Davy, Take it away retailer in Hull

Music Services in Yorkshire and the Humber

For November 2018, Take it away are featuring activities and shops in Yorskhire and the Humber. Each month we will be featuring a different region, with the aim of bringing these services into contact with each other.

We offer Take it away in the following shops in Yorkshire and the Humber (each links to a page about their services):

Music Shops

Band Supplies, Leeds
Dawsons Music, Leeds and Huddersfield
Eagle Music Shop, Huddersfield
Gough And Davy, Hull
GSG Pianos Ltd, Halifax
Guitarzone, Halifax and Harrogate
Hobgoblin Music, Leeds
Rockem Music Ltd, Rotherham
Wizard Guitars, Sheffield

Music Hubs

Music Hubs are a Government-led initiative, previously referred to as schools or music services. They are partnerships between state schools, companies, charities and practitioners. Hubs receive funding from the Department of Education via Arts Council England. It is the responsibility of every Hub to distribute funding amongst organisations to ensure that these targets are met:

  • Ensure that every child aged 5 to 18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice) through whole-class ensemble teaching programs or weekly tuition on the same instrument
  • Ensure that clear progression routes are available and affordable to all young people
  • Develop a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil sings regularly, and that choirs and other vocal ensembles are available in the area

Each hub provides different services and receives different levels of funding dependent on needs and services. For example, some services provide one to one tuition, some offer classroom sessions or some offer Orchestra or performance opportunities.

Yorkshire and the Humber Music Hubs include:

ArtForms artformsleeds.co.uk
Bradford Music Education Hub bradfordmusiconline.co.uk
Calderdale Music Trust calderdalemusictrust.org.uk
Doncaster Music Service & The William Appleby Music Centre doncastermusicservice.org.uk
East Riding Schools’ Music Service eastriding.gov.uk/learning/schools-colleges-and-academies/schools-music-service
Hull Music Hub hullmusichub.com
Kirklees Music School musicakirklees.org
North East Lincolnshire Music Hub nelmusichub.org.uk
North Lincolnshire Music Hub musichubnorthlincs.co.uk
North Yorkshire Music Hub northyorkshiremusichub.co.uk
Sheffield Music Service sheffieldmusichub.org
Wakefield Music Service wakefieldmusicservices.org
York Arts Education yorkartseducation.org.uk
York Music Service yorkmusicservice.co.uk
Yorkshire Young Musicians yorkshireyoungmusicians.org.uk

If you want to follow news and opportunities from these Music Hubs, we’ve put together the following Twitter list.

A list of active orchestras, bands and ensembles across Yorkshire and the Humber.